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Jennifer Bailey Featured in University of Missouri School of Law Magazine


The University of Missouri School of Law’s Transcript magazine interviewed Erise IP Partner Jennifer Bailey for its article, “Starting Up for the Start-Ups,” which was published in the magazine’s Fall 2015 edition. The articled highlighted The University of Missouri School of Law’s new Center for Intellectual Property & Entrepreneurship (CIPE) and Entrepreneurship Legal Clinic (ELC). Bailey, a graduate of The University of Missouri School of Law, spoke to the magazine about the benefits of the clinic.

“This is great for the law firms because we’re going to be able to hire the best talent because the best talent will be coming from the already-trained students who participated in the clinic,” said Bailey.

Bailey also noted that “the center and clinic will benefit alumni as well because it shows how well developed Mizzou’s IP faculty, students and classes are, and they can be proud to talk about the center.”


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