Law360 Again Recognizes Erise as a “Ceiling Smasher” for Women Partners


As a part of its annual analysis of women in the legal profession, Law360 has once again included Erise on its Ceiling Smashers list of the law firms with the highest representation of women in equity partnership.

Specifically, Erise, for the second straight year, ranks among the top 10 for law firms with 100 or fewer attorneys.

“While approximately 40% of all lawyers in the profession are women, only a quarter of equity partners are women, according to Law360 Pulse’s 2023 Women In Law Report,” Law360 wrote. “The overall realities may remain stark, but the [Ceiling Smashers] are demonstrating that strides towards gender parity at the upper ranks are possible.”

Equity is a core value of Erise; since the firm’s founding, its equity shareholder ranks and executive committee have been 50/50 gender diverse.

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