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Patent Litigation

Data analytics firm Patexia, in its 2021 Patent Litigation Intelligence Report, ranked Erise in the top 25 best-performing IP litigation firms in the United States. Over a three-year period from July 1, 2017, to June 30, 2020, Patexia evaluated the performance of 2,841 law firms and 12,780 attorneys across 10,552 patent cases. Patexia considered overall activity and success metrics to develop a weighted average for performance rankings. This comprehensive and independent report analytically confirms Erise’s hard-earned reputation as a successful protector of its clients’ patent litigation concerns.

Erise has handled more than 260 district court patent cases as well as more than 60 Federal Circuit appeals and multiple International Trade Commission patent infringement proceedings. Whether by motion or by jury verdict, Erise has all the necessary tools to protect your goals and interests. Erise remains undefeated in jury verdicts in the patent litigation hotspot of the Eastern District of Texas. Recently, separate trial teams from Erise took home huge victories in a jury trial in the Eastern District of Texas and an ITC trial that both started on the very same day.

Erise’s top rankings demonstrate it has the talent, experience and fortitude to go the distance on your behalf. Yet Erise is unlike any other top-tier firm in goal and character. We value pragmatism over prestige. We respect hard work and ability. We respect excellence in our craft. We value those things that advance our mission of protecting your critical business interests. We keep our focus on what is important.

Representative Matters

Online Gaming Company
Erise represented a leading gambling company against alleged infringement of 12 patents. Through proceedings in District Court and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Erise invalidated all 12 patents. A Delaware federal judge labeled the case a “jackpot” victory, and the Federal Circuit affirmed the ruling.
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