Kelly Dade


Kelly Dade, Technology Analyst at erise IP
Kelly Dade, Technology Analyst at erise IP

Kelly Dade


Kelly uses her electrical engineering background to develop insights that lead to successful outcomes in inter partes review and litigation. Her work includes prior art and patentability searches, invalidity/validity analyses, and ex parte reexamination requests.

Before joining the firm full-time, Kelly was a summer intern at Erise. She was a dual bachelor’s and master’s degree student at the University of Missouri, where she researched image processing of ice layers in the form of radar images taken in Greenland. In addition, she spent time as an undergraduate and graduate teaching assistant while at University of Missouri.

  • M.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri-Columbia
  • B.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri-Columbia
    • Minor in Information Technology
  • A.A., general studies, Crowder College
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