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Media in Canada, U.S. Cover Erise’s ‘Landmark’ Jury Trial Win


News outlets ranging from the Kansas City Business Journal to The Record business news in Ontario, Canada, have highlighted Erise IP’s latest courtroom victory.

“Erise IP added another landmark jury verdict to its trophy case, helping Canadian network equipment company Sandvine Inc. defend a case brought by Packet Intelligence LLC,” the Kansas City Business Journal reported in its article “Erise gets another big victory against patent troll.”

The Business Journal’s article also stated:

“Sandvine hired Erise IP, which has a nationwide reputation as a patent troll slayer. The firm has helped Garmin, Ford Motor Co., Sony Corp. and many others successfully defend against patent cases. Now Erise can add Sandvine to its list of winning verdicts.”

The story continued, saying the Erise trial team, led by Partner Eric Buresh, “was able to prove to the jury that its client didn’t infringe on the Packet Intelligence patents because Sandvine independently developed technology that was fundamentally different from what was described in the Packet Intelligence patents.”

Canada’s The Record, the local business publication for Sandvine, reported that “the decision is momentous, especially because it comes less than a month after Packet Intelligence won a jury verdict on the very same patents against NetScout.”

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